Meetings for Worship
Quaker Worship is Based on Silence
Friends meet in silence and in community. We believe that “There is that of God in everyone,” and that it is within the ability of every person to have a direct relationship with the divine. Thus, our Meetings for Worship are held in expectant silence, free of any prearranged form. Our shared experience of worship deepens our listening for guidance from the divine source.
At times, Meeting attenders may be moved or led to speak. Hearing another out of this silence allows us to attune closely to the speaker and can provide insight for our own seeking. When more than one person is led to speak, it is traditional to leave a time of silence between speakers.
Meeting for Worship lasts about one hour concluding with an opportunity for introductions and sharing.
Quakers also meet regularly to conduct business in a state of worship. Whidbey Island Friends have our Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting as well.
Friends meet in silence and in community. We believe that “There is that of God in everyone,” and that it is within the ability of every person to have a direct relationship with the divine. Thus, our Meetings for Worship are held in expectant silence, free of any prearranged form. Our shared experience of worship deepens our listening for guidance from the divine source.
At times, Meeting attenders may be moved or led to speak. Hearing another out of this silence allows us to attune closely to the speaker and can provide insight for our own seeking. When more than one person is led to speak, it is traditional to leave a time of silence between speakers.
Meeting for Worship lasts about one hour concluding with an opportunity for introductions and sharing.
Quakers also meet regularly to conduct business in a state of worship. Whidbey Island Friends have our Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting as well.
Come Worship With Us - Sundays at 4:00 PM
and Wednesdays at 9:00 AM
Join us for one hour in-person worship on Sunday afternoons at 4:00 PM,
at Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 20103 Hwy 525, Freeland, WA
or half-hour mid-week Zoom worship on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 AM.
All are welcome.
For more information and to get the Zoom link contact us at
[email protected]
A small group of us began meeting in the Quakerly manner in 1991. We became active in witnessing against the Gulf War and, under the care of Port Townsend Monthly Meeting, formed Whidbey Island Worship Group. In 2012, we became Whidbey Island Friends Monthly Meeting .
LGBTQ+ Welcome and Inclusion
Whidbey Island Friends Meeting affirms that our Meeting has been gifted beyond measure by the presence, participation and Spirit-guided leadership of LGBTQ+ people. We aspire to be a safe and loving space and extend care to all who come as seekers, welcoming all to share in worship and fully participate in the activities of our common life. We honor the gender identity and expression of each person, as determined by that person. Gender diversity, and all other forms of diversity, is a cause for spiritual celebration.
Land Acknowledgment
The land where we gather is the traditional territory of the Snohomish and Lower Skagit tribes and other Coast Salish peoples who call the land and waters of the Salish Sea home. We acknowledge and grieve the immense losses experienced by these peoples since the arrival of European settlers and we celebrate their resilience and sacred relationships with the land, waters, animals and plants of the place we now call Whidbey Island. We aspire to build meaningful relationships with the Coast Salish peoples in our midst.
LGBTQ+ Welcome and Inclusion
Whidbey Island Friends Meeting affirms that our Meeting has been gifted beyond measure by the presence, participation and Spirit-guided leadership of LGBTQ+ people. We aspire to be a safe and loving space and extend care to all who come as seekers, welcoming all to share in worship and fully participate in the activities of our common life. We honor the gender identity and expression of each person, as determined by that person. Gender diversity, and all other forms of diversity, is a cause for spiritual celebration.
Land Acknowledgment
The land where we gather is the traditional territory of the Snohomish and Lower Skagit tribes and other Coast Salish peoples who call the land and waters of the Salish Sea home. We acknowledge and grieve the immense losses experienced by these peoples since the arrival of European settlers and we celebrate their resilience and sacred relationships with the land, waters, animals and plants of the place we now call Whidbey Island. We aspire to build meaningful relationships with the Coast Salish peoples in our midst.
"But in the central innermost region of our minds there shines one pure ray of direct Light from the
very Throne of God ; one ray which belongs to each one individually ; which is for that one supreme and apart; the ray which shining from the heavenward side of conscience, and so enlightening and purifying it, must of necessity dominate the whole being."
~ Caroline Stephen, 1834-1909